It's depends on you

Life depends on what you make out of it. There is nothing fulfilling than seeing life from the positive point.
A student who only sees examination as a problem rather than a test or a step to a higher level will not enjoy education, so also anyone who sees life's test as a problem will never enjoy life.
The Psalmist says many are the affliction of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all. The Lord never promised us that there will be no test of life but He said that He will show us a way out it when it comes. So also a lecturer will never promise the student that there will never be a quiz or exam but he will teach them to get ready for the quiz. So also our Lord through the teachings of his word.
One of my mentors says "a new level, a new devil" The grace that sustained you in a particular level may not necessarly sustain you in another level. As a student, in other to move from level one to level two, one must not only right exam, he must pass the exam. It will be out of place for him to except the same exam he wrote in level one to write it again. This time, the exam that will promote him from level two to level three will be a lot harder than the previous exams. The good thing is that he has mastered the basis or the fundamental rules.
Life lessons does not have a set date when it will come unlike the student who knows the exam  period and there is even a timetable set for it. This is the reason the Lord said watch and pray as we do not know when the enemy (lifes test) will come.
Whenever you face lifes test, its a sign that your promotion to another level is closer than before. Also knowing that you must pass the test before you can enjoy the good life on that level, keeps you going.
Every one must go through life's test at one point in their lives or another, no escaping it. Its important to know that your testing time or timetable is different from your brothers or friends or associates or partners, unlike the students whose exam timetable is set for everyone at the same time.
Get ready and be positive. Life is good as those that believe in possibilities will eat the fruit thereof.


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