Could this be the missing link

Could this be the link that has been missing from the paternity issue surrounding Khole Kadashian? This picture was posted via twitter by her younger step sister, Kylie. She said "Khole with her real dad" It has been a speculation for long that Khole is not really a Kadashina. She has also been concerned that she looks different from her sisters Kim and Kot. Her step mother has also openly said that Robert Kadashian is not her father which Kris Jenner denied. But with the emergence of this picture which clearly shows a remarkable resemblance of daddy and daughter, could it be the end of the paternity speculation? The mystery man was Kris Jenner’s hair stylist about 30 years ago. His name is Alex Roldan. Note also that Khole’s middle name is Alexandra. I am as buzzed as you are.
Khole Kadashian and Alex Roldan

She is Powerful

Ephesians 5: 22-33: When God told woman to submit to her man and the man to love his woman, He was indirectly tell the man, look this woman has power and its only with (in) love will she submit the power. You can only tell someone who has power to submit it. The woman has something and that is why God told her to submit it to her man. You can only submit what you have; you cannot submit what you don’t have. God is saying use love not intimidation (am the head so therefore… or I married you so therefore..) or manipulation (if I give her this.. or buy her this.. or if I tell her this..) to get her to submit what God gave her. She may submit under these circumstance but its only for a while. God who gave the woman the power is telling the man, the only genuine way to get the woman to submit her God given power is through love. When God told her to submit, it is not because the woman is weak, but because she is powerful. God knows what he was talking about when he set this law in motion. Men always seem to be smart, there is no issue if you are smarter than your wife but you can’t be too smart for God.
A lot of men have fallen because of women. Ask Adam- The first man, Ask king David- the man after Gods heart, Ask his son Solomon- the richest man ever in bible days, Ask Samson- the most powerful man in bible days, Ask O.J Sampson- One of America’s sport heroes, Ask Bill Clinton- former president of America, Ask Abacha- former president of Nigeria, Ask Dominique Staruss- Kahns- IMF former chief, Ask Oscar Pistorus- The blade runner. Learn from others.
I am not saying this so that the woman's head will swell- of course in marriage her husband is her head, am only writing this for the man to understand the wisdom of God behind the scripture mentioned above and also to avoid this pitfall. It is dishearten for a young man who have toiled all his life to become a man and at the peak of his carrier or peak of his life or when he is about to enjoy his life to fall because of a woman. Wisdom is a defense.
Please be kind to leave a comment with an open view, don’t be judgmental.   
Folllow me on twitter @uloakus for more.

What is life, its meaning and all that

Goldie Harvey
She is young. She is beautiful. She is talented. She is hard working. She is full of life. She is on top of her game. She has been there. She has seen it all. Whatever one can use to describe someone that is hardworking, full of life, can be used to describe Goldie, but the real deal is that she is dead. The question is what happened? I initially did not want to post anything about her passing because it is very sad, but I decided to use the opportunity to do a soul searching of life. If people with such credentials can die then what is the need to aspire, what is the need for talent, what is the need for hard work, what is the need money, what is the need for fame which brings me to the mind burgling question of what is the need for life? If you say there is need for life because of some obvious reasons, then what is the secret of life? She is young, 29 years of age. I know we are not immune to death because people of all ages die. If she has died of old age, then there is something to hold on to (old age). If she died in an accident, then its accident, if she died of sickness, then I know it’s the normal or usual brief illness. But in this case nothing, just like that. I know a lot of people can kill to be where she has been, award winning artiste, TV personality, worldwide fame etc. She just got back from one the famous award ceremony in the world- the Grammy. It was on her arrival that she complained of pain in her head, which everyone who have had the opportunity to be on air for hours feels, the slight headache or jetlag and she went into coma and on getting to the hospital she was pronounced dead. JUST LIKE THAT
If you say it’s her fate, I do not agree that is true, if you say she in not born again, again I will disagree on that because a lot of born again believers die at their prime. If you say she does not have a personal relationship with God, is not of anyone to judge, thank God it’s called personal and not public relationship. When beauty, hard work, talent, money, fame can’t give you life, then what is all these things we chase? Why do we weak up every day to work? To make money? To make a name? To prove a point? Solomon, the wisest man ever lived before Jesus said all is vanity upon vanity.
As I was pondering over these things, I remember the conversation between Jesus and the rich young man. The young man came to Jesus and asked him, Master what will I do to have eternal life and Jesus asked him if he keeps the laws, the young rich man said yes, that he observes all the laws of Moses and Jesus told him if that is true, then he should go and sell all that he has and give to the poor and come and follow him. Is this the secret of life? What about the young talented Christians, pastors that are very zealous of the work of God who pass on at their prime? They gave up everything they have and dedicated their lives to the service of God? Is it that they are not truthful to the obvious eyes or is there something?
I really want to know! Please be kind enough to leave a comment.
Don’t be judgmental.

Kelly Rowland-Cry Me A River

Oh dear!
After having lunch with Beyonce and Jay-Z on her 32nd birthday, Kelly Rowland was spotted shading tears. The reason for the tears is still a mystry. I hope that those tears are for good or whatever it is, she will get over them in due course and good time.

The Premiere of Beyonce's documentary

Beyonce was looking ever hot on the red carpet during the premiere of her documentary "Beyonce-Life is but a dream” in NYC. The documentary captures most of her life journey from childhood to now. She said she hopes that her daughter Blue Ivy will be inspired watching it when she grows up as she is her biggest inspiration. Her mum, Tina Knowles and sister, Solange Knowles were on hand to support her. Bey is one heck of super woman.

 Tina Knowles
 Solange Knowles

Sad Valentine Day for Oscar

Olympic sprinter Oscar Pistorius, age 26, a double-amputee known as "Blade Runner," has been involved in a shooting at his home. He accidentally shot and killed his girlfriend, age 30 who probably wanted to surprise him on Valentine’s Day. The South Africa Olympian said he thought it was a burglar.

Oscar's girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp is a Law graduate and a model. She was one time face of Avon in South Africa. Report says that there have been cases of domestic violence before now. This case is still developing. Oscar is an icon in South Africa and a role model to millions around the world who aspire to be their best against all odds. Wishing him the best of luck at this critical time

My Picks at the Grammy

 Taylor Swift
 J Lo
 Ketty Perry
 Alicia Keys
 Carrie Underwood
 Kelly Rowland
 Kelly Osbourn
 Chris Brown
Sean Paul

Pope Benedict XIV to Resign

His Writes:

Dear Brother,

I have convoked you to this Consistory, not only for the three canonisations, but also to communicate to you a decision of great importance for the life of the Church. After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry. I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only with words and deeds, but no less with prayer and suffering. However, in today’s world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to govern the bark of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognise my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me. For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, entrusted to me by the Cardinals on 19 April 2005, in such a way, that as from 28 February 2013, at 20:00 hours, the See of Rome, the See of Saint Peter, will be vacant and a Conclave to elect the new Supreme Pontiff will have to be convoked by those whose competence it is.

Dear Brothers, I thank you most sincerely for all the love and work with which you have supported me in my ministry and I ask pardon for all my defects. And now, let us entrust the Holy Church to the care of Our Supreme Pastor, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and implore his holy Mother Mary, so that she may assist the Cardinal Fathers with her maternal solicitude, in electing a new Supreme Pontiff. With regard to myself, I wish to also devotedly serve the Holy Church of God in the future through a life dedicated to prayer.

Jim Iyke- New Virgin Atlantic Ambassador

 Jim Iyke recently signed a deal with Virgin Atlantic as the brand ambassador. This deal is reportedly worth about $150,000. This is another major deal for Jim Iyke after his deal with Glo as its brand ambassador expired. This means free flight all the way. Ride on Bro!

 Jim Iyke shooting the commercial

Golden View

It will not be a bad idea to take your love one out for sightseeing. This beach shows forth the beauty of life in its fullness as the sunset. Incredibly breathe taking sight. Very Romantic!

Preparing for Valentine get away, Honeymoon, or want to propose? This is the sight that will make it memorable. WOW! This is golden.

 More View on the beach

Blood Compatibility

Ladies and Gentle Men, Please keep this table handy.

Too Much Love

Its not strange for a woman to take up her husbands last name after marrage, but its a bit strange when the reverse is the case. This is the case between one of the world most powerful couple, Shawn Corey Carter, known as Jay-Z and Beyonce Knowles. Jay-Z took Beyonce’s last name when they got married, making his name officially Shawn Corey Knowles-Carter. Interesting.
See Bey and Jay with Blue Ivy

Kim K and Kris H Divorce

 Kim K and Kris H

 Kim Kadashian wants divorce between her ex, Kris Humphrey to be hastened as she does not want to give birth to her baby still married to him, also that the stress of the divorce is affecting her which is not healthy for her baby. But Kris is not in a hurry to face the divorce case, as he claimed his busy with is club but will be free mid May or June. He also said that it’s not his fault that Kim got pregnant, that she should have planned it very well. Kim K is due late June or early July.

Kim K and Kanye W

 Kanye W is yet to say anything but am sure he is by his baby mama side, giving her all the love and care and support. Good Luck KimYe.

Gov. Chime Is Back

He is Back.
I can categorically tell all Nigerians and Enugu State indigenes in particular that Gov. Sullivan Chime is back. He has been away for more than 4 months on a medical ground. He came in Thursday morning. He was really missed.

Beyonce Super Bowl Sign

Is she or Is she not
Beyonce was captured displaying the Illuminati sign during her Super Bowl performance. The question on everyone's lip is; Is she or Is not. You decide

Facial Metamorphoses of Lil' Kim

Lil' Kim Faces
 This was the young lady in her natural face
 Fame came and there was need to keep up with Hollywood
This is the lastest for a rebound.